Where to point those conductor pipes

Splash BlockFirst of all what is a conductor pipe?  This refers to the pipes that are attached to your gutters and drain the water from the roof to the ground below.  Given the area of a roof on a home and a hard rain, the amount of water that is brought to the ground can be significant.  For this reason, once the water hits the ground, it’s important that it goes in the right direction; away from the home and basement.

Hinged-Spout-ExtensionWe recommend conductor pipes be extended 30” away from the foundation.  This allows any rain water from the gutters to be carried far enough so that it does not drain down the exterior foundation wall and percolate up into the basement.

Another equally important point to consider is not allowing the drain water to wash over a walkway, sidewalk, or a driveway.  When water freezes in the winter, this can lead to dangerous, slippery areas that can lead to falls and personal injury.  Aside from the safety consideration, the litigious points need to be kept in mind.

As you can see, these conductor pipes are an important part of your rainwater distribution system and need to be maintained with all those other “pieces” of your home.

At Jigsaw Home Inspections, We Check All The Pieces!

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